Thursday, March 10, 2011

Do it yourself- Birdcage veil

What you'll need- white satin, tulle, scissors, lighter, hot glue gun, skinny headband, lace, feathers, beads, anything that sparkles!

Cut several different sized circle of satin.  Don't worry about them being perfect a little misshapen will only add to the layers.

Carefully use a lighter to melt the edges of the circles...the more you melt the more texture you'll get.

The edges will curl up and you'll get a petal like this.
This is one layer, repeat on the other circles.
Add a dab of glue to each layer. 
It should end up looking like this.
Take a headband and cover it with ribbon or lace.

Now add some feathers just for fun!

It's really up to you and what you think looks good. Add what you like!
Now hot glue the flowers to the head band.
Hot glue some bead to the center of the flower.
Lookin' good!
Take a piece of tulle and cut to the size the you'd like the vial to be. Gather one corner and glue to the side of the head band under the flowers. 
Glue to the underside right on the headband.

Keep gathering and gluing..there is really no right or wrong way.just fiddle with it until you get it looking how you like.

So cute!
So my dear sweet hubby was taking these photos and teasing me about how un-photogenic I am, and then he said...."you put that on me and take 10 photos they'll all look great"

He was right! hehe

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