You will need- Scissors, Twist ties, Tissue paper, push pin or needle.
Fold a piece of tissue paper in half four times, to make eight layers.
Draw or trace a flower onto the folded paper. Don't worry about it being perfect, you'll never know the difference in the end.
Cut around the traced flower, though all the layers at once.
Using a push pin or needle, poke a hole though the center of all the layers.
Strip paper off of one end of the twist tie..this was a little tricky but doable.
Stick the striped wire though the hole in the center of the flowers.
Twist the wire to hold the layers together.
Layer by layer slightly twist and crumple.
Play with the petal shape for different effects! These are pointed petals, but a round circle works as well!
Toss in a dish with some candles and you've got a super centerpiece!
Or twist onto a ribbon and make a garland!